It's a recurring theme in theHarry Potter series that all Defence force Against the Dark Arts teachers at Hogwarts must be terrible in some way. The position is jinxed by Lord Voldemort afterward he fails to claim it for himself, leading to teachers existence unable to fill the postal service for more than a year.

Almost of Harry Potter'south teachers take tried to attack him, and those who haven't didn't get the chance because they didn't have contact with him. Still, in terms of competency, some teachers have been better than others.

9 Dolores Umbridge Is More Hated And Unlikable Than Lord Voldemort

Dolores Umbridge

Easily the nearly hated character in Harry Potter, Dolores Umbridge is even more than unlikable than Lord Voldemort. In lodge to silence the young boy magician, she orders a dementor attack on Harry. When that fails, she comes to Hogwarts – not to educate but to pursue the Ministry building of Magic's agenda to control the school (and Harry in particular). She'southward a horrible person who tortures students with a Blackness Quill and almost gives Harry Veritaserum.

As the Loftier Inquisitor of the school, she institutes callous measures. For example, she bans all gatherings, including Quidditch games. Her highly ineffective educational activity focuses on the absurd thought that students don't demand to use defensive spells – a concept that contrasts with the very nature of the topic she teaches.

8 Amycus Carrow Is A Expiry Eater Who Teaches The Dark Arts

The Carrows

Afterwards the death of Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort's takeover of Hogwarts, the mail service of Defense force confronting the Dark Arts instructor falls to Amycus Carrow. A Expiry Eater in the service of the Dark Lord, Amycus uses his position to instruct students in the use of the Unforgivables. He fifty-fifty lets them do the Cruciatus curse on students who earn detentions.

He as well encourages the practise of the Killing Curse and Fiendfyre. During his tenure, the class practically becomes "Night Arts" and loses the notion of "Defense." In that sense, while Carrow is a powerful magician, he doesn't actually teach what he's supposed to be education.

7 Quirinus Quirrell Is Possessed By Lord Voldemort


Harry's very first DADA teacher, Quirinus Quirrell, is originally a Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts. Following a run-in with Voldemort in the forests of Republic of albania, he's possessed past the Dark Lord'southward specter. He returns to Hogwarts, now tasked with stealing the Philosopher's Rock.

Quirrell appears relatively skilled with magic, as evidenced by his power to jinx Harry'southward broom. He also introduces a number of spells to his class, including the Vermidillious Charm and the Wand-Lighting Amuse. However, equally a teacher, he stutters a lot, which makes his lessons ineffective (if not completely incomprehensible). Between that and his connection with Voldemort, his competency in the position is questionable at all-time.

6 Gilderoy Lockhart Is Only Competent In Using Obliviate

Gilderoy Lockhart

Harry'due south instructor in his second yr, Gilderoy Lockhart stands out considering of his lack of competency. The required readings for the students are works of fiction written by Lockhart himself. Over the course of the yr, Gilderoy proves utterly useless on more than 1 occasion. He even embarrasses himself when he casts the spell "Peskipiksi Pesternomi" – an incantation meant to counter pixies that doesn't really exist.

His fraudulent incompetence takes a dangerous turn when Gilderoy reveals how his accomplishments are all stolen from others through the liberal apply of the Obliviate spell. Gilderoy attempts to use the spell on Harry and Ron, just it backfires due to Ron's broken wand. Consequently, Gilderoy ends upward with significant spell impairment.

v Patricia Rakepick Secretly Works For The System R

Patricia Rakepick in the Harry Potter games

A highly skilled curse-breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Patricia Rakepick appears every bit a DADA teacher in the game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Her advisedly balanced curriculum includes both dark creatures and spells, combining theory and exercise in a way that's very useful to students.

However, Rakepick works for the organization R, which aims to find and open the Cursed Vaults at Hogwarts. When her intentions are revealed, she ends up killing a student. It's a shame because she'south i of the nearly competent DADA teachers in the Harry Potter universe.

4 Mad-Eye Moody Is A Death Eater In Disguise

mad eye moody - DAtDA teacher in Harry Potter

Alastor Moody is invited to become Harry's teacher in his fourth year at Hogwarts. Peradventure unsurprisingly, Moody turns out to be the Decease Eater, Barty Hunker, Jr., who uses the Polyjuice Potion to turn into the grizzled old Auror. Barty is the one who enchants the Goblet of Fire and makes Harry a competitor in the Tri-Wizard tournament.

Ironically, despite existence a follower of the Nighttime Lord in disguise, Barty isn't a bad teacher. His lessons on the Unforgiveables are controversial and fifty-fifty traumatic for some students, simply his harsh teaching manner introduces skills the students benefit from.

iii Remus Lupin'southward Lycanthropy Doesn't Terminate Him From Being A Proficient Teacher

david thewlis-harry potter

One of James Potter's closest friends, Remus Lupin has the misfortune of existence viciously attacked past Fenrir Greyback equally a kid. However, even if he is a werewolf, he's a brilliant Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor. He defends Harry and his Friends from the dementors while on their way to Hogwarts, and he teaches Harry the Patronus Charm – a spell that later saves his life.

Kind, intelligent, and encouraging, Remus manages to stir a thirst for noesis in his students with interesting lessons. They're taught – primarily through do – in ways that appeal to them. However, if he has one fault, it'due south his failure to take his Wolfsbane potion. Although considering the jinx, information technology's an expected oversight. It's just a shame that after The Prisoner of Azkaban, he doesn't get the chance to shine again.

2 Severus Snape Excels At Both Potions And DADA


The head of House Slytherin, Severus Snape is familiar to everyone equally the Potions instructor of Hogwarts, although his expertise in the field goes beyond simple pedagogy. However, despite his beloved for the subtle art of Potions making, he'southward ever displayed an interest in the Defense Against the Night Arts teacher post. He finally gets his wish in Harry's sixth year.

Highly qualified in the topic, he endeavors to make sense of the disjointed education the students have had. His lessons are mainly practical. He delves into darker fields and portrayals, which pigment a vicious only 18-carat picture of the enemy the students have to confront. Severus might not be the warmest teacher, but his unique perspective and skill set make him one of the virtually qualified.

i Albus Dumbledore Occupies The Position Before The Jinx Becomes An Result

Dumbledore leans against a desk

Albus Dumbledore is best known as the eccentric simply incredibly powerful headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, that didn't happen overnight. He's Minerva Mcgonagall's mentor in Transfiguration, but the first teaching position he occupies at Hogwarts is in Defense Against the Dark Arts. In the Fantastic Beasts movies, his students confront boggarts in the same manner Remus asks Harry's 3rd-year class to in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Consequently, Dumbledore is lauded every bit one of the best teachers in Hogwarts history.

Adjacent: Harry Potter: v Marvel Magicians Who Would Be Great Hogwarts Teachers (& 5 Who Would Exist Terrible)

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